
Friday, May 19, 2017

3 important things for Lord Siva

A Blessed day to all precious atma.

It is our birthright to know about heritage, culture and religion. Gone are the days where our parents and great parents did not pass on the information to us. Nevertheless, with technology and our super Guru Google, we are able to learn and understand our religion. 

There are 3 important things for Lord Siva.

1.Sacred ash or called vibuthi. 
Vibuthi is very sacred to Lord Siva and it symbolises the final of our self which the body that we carry in our birth, ash. It reminds us that our physical body is not permanent and it turns to the final form ash. The sacred ash also attracts positive beings and in turn, help to progress our life towards betterment. 
Look out for an article on vibuthi from Devaram song soon.

2. Pancakshara Mantra
Om Namasivaya is the most powerful mantra for Lord Siva and it is mention in the middle of our sacred scripture Vedas. To get the full benefit of this mantra, you need to get initiated into the mantra through a Spiritual Guru or master. The Pancha buthas and the whole cosmos of creation are contained within the mantra.

Rudraksha means tears of Lord Siva. It is very sacred for lord Siva. It represents spirituality. Many sadhus, yogi, swamis,siddhar and ordinary people wear it.
Rudraksha radiates magnetic energies. This energy is very useful for body and mind. It expands and purifies our energy body which is our aura. Rudraksha is also signifying fearlessness. It gives the individual the braveness to overcome any challenges or adversity.

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Anbe Sivam
Om Shanti

Artha Dharma Concept Builders
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Sadhu wearing vibuthi on his forehead and wearing rudraksha mala and chanting Om Namasivaya

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