May the Divine bless all of you.
Rita Dharma is a Universal Dharma. Universal includes the environment and the place we live in.
As part of our Rita Dharma , what should we do ?
Be an instrument to help in the mother nature.
Take active role in preserving our mother nature.
How ? Be part of a project of planting sacred trees in your home and temples Buy and sponsor some very valuable sacred plants that are available thru Artha Dharma.,Vilvam , Vanni, Rudraksha, Konrai , Nagalingam etc.
Sms/Whats App for sponsoring the plant of rm 150 for vilvam or minimum contribution of rm 10 towards the project. Please share with all your friends
Protect Mother Nature. Plant a tree today. Om Namasivaya.
Yours in Service,
Serve above Self,
Sivajnani Nagappan
+6012 9259495
Om Shanti