
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Shri Ganeshasya

The Second Letter from Lord Ganesha

Keep track of your paces, for your walk makes marks.
Each mark is a reward or a stumbling block.
Learn to look at the step you have made
and the step you have not made yet.
This brings you close to Me.
I'm not doing anything.
If I were any place, I would not be.
You are someplace, doing something. You are not.

Insofar as this is a fact, there then is some semblance of Me in you.
If you are not what you apparently are
and you keep track of your paces fore and aft in your mind,
the karma balancing out the dharma is nothing.

Always live as nothing,
and your mission is fulfilled immediately.
You do not have to live long, but live well while you live.
Be sum total at any point in time.

The mind through which you think you travel,
or of which you think you are, is not.
The awareness of which you think doth travel,
or which you think is aware, is not. Therefore, what is?

That is a mystery, to the mind, to awareness,
but can be solved by you and Me coming close together.
Let's do it now.

Lord Umaganesh

The Third Letter from Lord Ganesha

Softness comes when you are precise, concentrated,
with a sense of penuriousness.
The concentration of the intellect
comes from a vast, expansive ability accrued
which has brought an intricate intellect into usage.

Softness, therefore, and a demure countenance and approach
to life and associates must be accrued through these means.

If you are not soft in your intellect toward others,
refrain from speaking as well as thinking.
For the true intellect is accrued from within oneself,
and by listening to your guruji,
who stimulates the within of you for this to occur.

Obedience is the keynote here,
and the ravaging forces of emotion are rejected.
And I dismay as you retreat into the devilish worlds
in the plane beyond My sight.
I sit waiting for your return.

Because I am here, it all exists.
The pole holds the feathers that dance in
the wind of desire around it.

Therefore, the thing that we seek is
countenance, precision and self-effacement.
You know the rest. I wait for your return.

See Me first before each advent into another Lord.
I am the gatekeeper, the Mother that cares for you
and makes you just right for the Father.
I am the now that makes you ready for the then.
I am the dragon that scares away the untimely events in your life
due to the ignorance within your dharma.

I am the innovation of your karma,
if you come to Me, My Being, your Being,
when you get here, now.

See to this. I command you. I implore you.
I do puja to you by ringing My little bell in front of Me,
by eating a ball-like sweet goody and by lighting the fire of Siva,
My Father, in My Father, through My head,
burning at the top of My head, your head, burning there,
a flickering flame burning there on nothing
except the dross forces of your dharma,
the accumulation of your karma of this life,
burns away the top of your head,
My head, Our head.

Success on the path is assured for you
who have the good fortune to hear, to see, to read
or to have been told to this message,
is blessed by your good fortune,
is in tune with Me, your Self, and
I introduce you to realms beyond your limited vision
at this very moment.

Lord Ganesh